Sunday, January 4, 2009

La Push Pummel coming up! February 13-15

Once again, Ken and Ellen DeBondt continue the tradition begun over two decades ago by adventurer Sprague Ackley...

"Surf Pummel at La Push"
(c) Gary Luhm, 2000,Canon E3, 500mm f/4 IS lens, Provia 100F,

Here's a slightly edited version of the DeBondts' most recent update on the event. Please contact them directly if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!


If you plan to come or just want updates (nice thing about the pummel is people can decide to come at the last minute or not), email us at and we will put you on the list for updates.

Feel free to forward to anyone you think might be interested....

La Push Pummel 2009

That time again for the annual LaPush Pummel, but later than traditionally. The dates are the weekend of Feb 13-15, 2008. Hard to say what the weather and surf will bring for us, but that is part of the fun and excitement!!

All kinds of kayaking possible around the Olympics river running, creek boating, surfing or Sea Kayaking. If we get sunny, calm weather bring your sunglasses and sea kayak and explore James Island and the area around. This is more of a gathering than an organized event, and surfing is definetly at your own risk.

Sprague Ackley started the gathering back in 1986, and nice to keep the tradition going. It is a great reason to get out to the Olympics and to La Push.

For anyone interested we plan to do a party/potluck on Saturday night. We will bring a bigger pot to boil your own crab for those interested. Bring your own drinks and lots of kayaking/surf stories to share. I have the clubhouse at the RV park reserved for Saturday Feb 14th at 6pm. Maybe get old photos/movies from LaPush together for slide show on my laptop as well.

For lodging contact LaPush Ocean Park, phone 800-487-1267. There is also camping available, you can contact the resort or the RV park at 360-374-4338.

For more information, please contact Ken and Ellen DeBondt 206-527-2565 email Email us if you plan to come and if you also sea kayak or river kayak and we can fill you in on the details as the time gets closer. We will be out of town Jan 14-26th but will get back to everyone after that. We are looking forward to good surf and fun times!!! Hope to see you there.


  1. It is this year [2009] and not 2008 -- right!

  2. Good catch... that's what I get for cut&pasting.

    Yes it's 2009 and that's what the post should say.
